Reproduction Steps
Steps are back in production and ready to ship as of Jan 1, 2023
New step extension designed to make it easier to get on your tractor.
Bolts onto your tool box step.
Template included for bolt hole location.
Our custom steps provide storage and easier access to the tractor platform. These steps are BRAND NEW exact reproductions of the steps sold by Oliver dealers from 1949 through the mid 1960's. Of the two styles originally built, only the left had the tool tray under the lower step, with a hinged lid and the upper step reinforcement to keep the front edge from bending.
These steps mount on all row crop (HEX AXLE) tractors Oliver 66-77-88, super 66-77-88, and 660-770-880. They are the only one of two styles originally offered to include an 11" x 21" tool tray under the lower step.
Please note: All steps are shipped unpainted.
This product is produced and sold exclusively by the
Central States Chapter of the Hart-Parr Oliver Collectors Association.
Left Step
Price: $210.00
Shipping UPS Ground: $40.00 per step
Right Step
Price: $210.00
Shipping UPS Ground: $40.00 per step
Price: $80.00
Shipping UPS Ground: $20.00 per extension**
(**If extension is ordered with step, extension shipping is free.)